Tampa Bay Women of Song was created when Regina AaMacha reached out to other women musicians from the Tampa Bay community in an effort to combine their talents for a showcase event and offer several smaller collaborative networking opportunities for the ladies while planning for the show. "I had met most of these outstanding women through my work in the Tampa Bay Musicians Co-op but found that some of them, although they were aware of one another had never actually met!" Our first concert held at Ruth Eckerd Hall (pictured above) was a huge success! Participants included Lisa Noe, Chic Lisitano, Wendy Barmore, Regina AaMacha, Lil Barcaski, Kimi Tortuga, Erica DiCeglie, Haley Meehan, Jessica Rose, Karyn Denham, Sandy Atkinson, Kasondra Rose & Danielle Mohr. 

Photos in slide show above were taken by Mikell Herrick from The Women of Song, October 2016 at Ruth Eckerd Hall.

Women of Song is now continuing their collaboration, open to all local professional female performers in the Tampa Bay we are hosting a series of several smaller shows in more intimate venues!!  In 2018 Regina AaMacha will presenting the Women of Song in Concert with Wendy Barmore, Sandy Atsinson, Lisa Noe, Kimi Tortuga, and Mallory Moyer. Location TBA

Women of Song in Concert

Introducing Kyah Robinson as our newest member of Women of Song! She is an amazing young woman with a soulful voice and beautiful spirit! Photo by Jeff Wiliams

Link to more photos by Jeff Williams Women of Song